Photography by Simon Ray
To Serve the Hive (2022)
by Julia Byrne
SheATL Festival
Nurse 1: Si Chen
Queen: Emily Musgrove
Nurse/Worker 2: Charis Sellick
Nurse/Worker 3: Afftene Taylor
New Queen: Indya Bussey
Worker 1: Monty Davis
Photography by Wanyu Yang
Another Medea (2022)
by Aaron Mark
Theatrical Outfit (Apprentice Company)
The Actor: Keshawn Mellon
Photography by Nick Hattings
Peerless (2019)
M: June Kwon
L: Anna Ree
BF: Matthew Nails
D: Chris Lowery
Dirty Girl: Julia Byrne
by Jiehae Park
Emory Dooley’s Players
Photography by Simon Ray